Carlton Lakes Community Development District (the “District”) was established on March 25, 2015 pursuant to the Uniform Community Development District Act of 1980, otherwise known as Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, by the Hillsborough County Ordinance 15-6. The Act provides, among other things, the power to manage basic services for community development, power to borrow money and issue bonds, and to levy and assess non‐ad valorem assessments for the financing and delivery of capital infrastructure.
Ordinance No. 15-6
An ordinance establishing the Carlton Lakes Community Development District pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes; naming the district; describing the external boundaries of the District; describing the functions and powers of the District; designating five persons to serve as the initial members of the District’s board of supervisors; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date.
Whereas, Carlton Development, LLC a Florida limited liability company (Petitioner) has filed a petition with Hillsborough County requesting that the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County (“County”) adopt an ordinance establishing Carlton Lakes Development District pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes (“District”); as the area of land for which the District is authorized to manage and finance basic service deliver; and
Whereas, the County has held a public hearing on the Petition in accordance with the requirements and procedures of Section 190.005 (1)(d), Fla. Stat.; and
Whereas, the County has considered the record of the public hearing and the factors set forth in Section 190.005 (1)(e), Fla. Stat.
Now, therefore, be it ordained by the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County, Florida this 24th day of March, 2015, as follows:
SECTION 1: The County hereby finds and states that:
- The “WHEREAS” clauses state above are adopted as findings of fact in support of this Ordinance;
- All statements contained in the Petition are true and correct;
- The creation of the District is not inconsistent with any applicable element or portion of the State Comprehensive Plan or the County’s Comprehensive Plan;
- The area of land within the proposed District is of sufficient size, is sufficiently compact and is sufficiently contiguous to be developable as one functional interrelated community;
- The creation of the District is the best alternative available for delivering community development services and facilities to the area that will be served by the District;
- The proposed community development services and facilities to be provided by the District will not be incompatible with the capacity and uses of existing local and regional community development services and facilities; and
- The area that will be served by the District is amenable to separate, special-district government.
SECTION 2: Conclusions of Law:
- This proceeding is governed by Chapter 190, Fla. Stat.;
- The County has jurisdiction pursuant to Section 190.005 (2), Fla. Stat.; and
- The granting of the Petition complies with the dictates of Chapter 190, Fla. Stat.
There is hereby created Carlton Lakes Community Development District for the areas of land described in Exhibit A, which shall exercise the powers of Sections 190.011 and 190.12 (1), (2)(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f), Fla. Stat.
SECTION 4:Initial Board.
The following five persons are designated as the initial members of the Board of Supervisors:
- Jeff Hills
- Ryan Motko
- Gary Jernigan
- Albert Viera
- Phil Dirosa
SECTION 5: Effective Date.
This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon receipt of acknowledgement that a copy of this Ordinance has been filed with the Secretary of State.
SECTION 6: Severability.
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, provision, or other part of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby, but shall remain in full force and effect.
Witness and official seal by Pat Collier Frank, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County, Florida on 25th day of March, 2015. The same appears of record in Minute Book 466 of the Public Records of Hillsborough County, Florida.